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Star Lash Perfect Touch Eyeliner Pen Review and Swatches

Star Lash, a brand owned by local company BeautyDirect, has launched their first pen eyeliner! You may know Star Lash for their range of false lashes (if you visit their website, you'll see that they do have a lot, like over 50 designs!), so this is one of their comparatively fewer non-lash products. As such, I was pretty excited to try this out and see how it was! The shade that I got was Rich Black Waterproof.

Star Lash Perfect Touch Eyeliner Pen: A new accompaniment to your Star Lash false lashes!

This eyeliner came with a lot of expectations, so I had to immediately put it to the test to see how it performs! You know how a good pen eyeliner is supposed to be - draw nice lines, be well-pigmented, be fairly budgeproof, and be fairly waterproof. I decided to take it through a series of tests!

StarLash Perfect Touch Eyeliner
Star Lash Perfect Touch Eyeliner Pen: Cute pink girly packaging.
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