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They Must Be Crapping Their Pants Right Now; or: DHHWI New Works Festival in Los Angeles This Week

My 15-week Writing Is Rewriting workshop at East West Players' David Henry Hwang Writers Institute is over and done with, but my students are just starting to really crap their pants right now. You see, this week is the DHHWI New Works Festival, and the seven plays that I hand-selected to be developed will be presented as staged readings by professional directors and actors—a usually stellar powerhouse of talent that makes all four of my cheeks blush. If you're in Los Angeles, check out some of the action if you can. I'm proud of the work these cuh-razy kids have done.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010 @ 8 p.m.

by Joey Damiano

John, a former U.S. Marine, has recently come home after serving in Iraq. He wants what any self-respecting American desires: a good job, a nice house, and an existence free of family drama. However, when John's never-do-well mother Betsy moves in, traumas old and new threaten to derail their lives. The story of a son and mom who combat alcoholism, post-traumatic stress, annoying ghosts, game show addiction, and, worst of all, each other.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 @ 8 p.m.

by Alison M. De La Cruz

For the last five years Joanne has been sleep walking through her life. She daydreams flashbacks of her childhood hero, Joseph the Mail Man, and wakes in 2004 to the nightmare of losing her house and marriage. Forced to move back in with her dad and reconcile the losses of her life, she seeks advice from the angel of Joseph Ileto. Is it coincidence, signs from the universe, or simply five years of unopened bills?

Friday, June 25, 2010 @ 8 p.m.
Music, Book, & Lyrics by Howard Ho
A musical reading! It's 1979, and the Tendo Video Game era is just about to begin. Billy's got troubles with his alcoholic single mother. But with the help of his best friend Sally and arcade owner Walter, Billy enters a video game championship that will change all of their lives and maybe even that of Tendo itself.

Saturday, June 26, 2010 @ 1 p.m.

by Peter J. Kuo

Buddy Christ has started following Cassandra on Twitter. Angela is seconds away from going Lorena Bobbitt on her adulterous husband (unless he commits suicide first). Once you think you've pinned down everyone's quirks, a new perspective will have you retracing your steps in this dark comedy.

Saturday, June 26, 2010 @ 3 p.m.

by Aurelio Locsin

Middle-aged Ricardo, a Filipino-American canine cop, wants to make peace with his son, wife, father, and dog. Unfortunately, his coma makes communication impossible. Can the objects of his affection help him handle family, child-rearing, sexuality, and love before it's too late?

Saturday, June 26, 2010 @ 5 p.m.

by Paul Kikuchi

Unbeknownst to his daughter and grandson, 73-year-old Nisei Harry Fukutani is an Internet sensation! But to view his work, one has to turn off the parental filter and have a valid credit card. A sticky comedy about sex, lies, and Tiger Balm.

Saturday, June 26 @ 8 p.m.

by Dante Basco
Three friends face life after their 20s—looking ahead for what's to come, while yearning to recapture the magic moments of their teens in regard to women and love. Slow jams, slow-dancing, and revisiting your first kiss: the "Midnight Makeout Session."

For more information, go here.

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