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Steve Dahl and Garry Meier mock elections and new maniac elected in fake Iranian elections

 Patrick Jennings

    Even ore radical Mullah Ebrahim Raisi is the new man in charge in Iran after rigged elections once again who what a laughingstock Irnain and Middle East politics are as this election after the recent Syrian election of Bashi El Assad is wat we can expect having the Democrat party pre determine elections and Steve Dahl and Garry Meier came on their radio program and once again bashed the Islamic Republic if Iran. Iran is the great Satan a country and it leadership so wicked and evil among the worse offender sin state empire and government.

 The Iranian elections were a fraud and there is no real opposition to the Islamic Fascists and radical Theocracy ruling the former land of Persia and Iran is without a doubt a axis of evil nation and their leaders are progressively getting more and more evil. This minster Raisi himself was actually involved in order the deaths of thousands and thousands of internal enemies as identified y the mullahs and thousands of Iranians voicing an opposition were brutally murdered by this maniac demonic Ebrahim Raisi and Dahl and Meier reminded their listeners it was him Ebrahim who ordered the executions of these Iranian citizens in 1988-89
 The new Iranian  president has called this new Iranian leader a monster and much like i  Syrian what we saw in Iran was not an election as the leadership was predetermined before the election. Dahl and Meier decided to call several Islamic Fried chick restaurants and asked in Farsi whether they had voted and if they voted for the right candidate in this towel-headed bastard Ebrahim Raisi. Dahl an Meier agreed that nothing will change with this fool now in leadership and that this state is about  as undemocratic religious theocracy and Islamic fascist state one will come across the world and it is people like Ebrahim as to why the Chiense lock down so ruthlessly against their Uighur Muslim population.

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