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Stephan Smith and Max Keller don't know what they are talking about on quarterbacks on ESPN as Kirk Cousins is headed for the playoffs and possibly the Super Bowl

  Dave Berkson
   In week four of this NFL season Kirk Cousins was being attacked by the racial identity ESPN programmers and annalists who were once gain demanding an NFL team sign Colin Kapernik. Their evidence of collusion was all of these non-Colin quarterbacks that were receiving huge contracts and playing time while Mr Kapernik was kneeling in the privacy of hsi own home on the American flag instead of the absurdity of doing it in front of millions and millions of football fans. Stupid Stephan Smith, Sassy Skip Balyess, brainless Shannon Sharpre and Mad Max Keller or Kellerman were also insisting that Colin Kapernik was better and more talented than half of the National Football League quarterbacks especially the white ones these ESPN idiots are so into reverse racism.
In week four these morons of garbage sports talk (Which draws few viewers) were bashing Kirl Cousins and said that the Minneapolis Vikings would of been better off swallowing th 28 million dollar contract given tot he outstanding White Washington Pigskins quarterback to make the move into the Midwest . Stephan Smith, who is uttelry on drugs and many times hard to even understand, actually said the Vikings b y not signing Kapernik and playing him over Cousins was evidence of a conspiracy collusion meant to punish this brave light-skinned Black man to point out police violence for patrolling what is even more violent Black neighborhoods. Stephan Smith and his White homo oco-host are stupider than a brick along with the other aforementioned ESPN annalists. Kirk Cousins is headed for the playoffs and may actually guide the Vikings to their first Superbowl in 66 years.
This trash talking by this pro-Kapernik pro-kneeling national anthem anti-American network and dumb hosts nay have inspired Captain Kirk as Cousins played like fucking nuts since week four throwing 28 touchdowns adn only three interceptions dispelling these idiots and their nonsense.
Kirk Cousins is going to the Super Bowl and I just mainly am rooting for him because of these ESPN idiots who are stills seething an angered that Colin Kapernik is not in the National Football league and Max Kellerman is especially an idiot to have said and he keeps saying tht oen fo the biggest injustices in sport is that untalented and through Colin Kapernik is not a starting quarterback in the NFL as we speak Silly Stephan Smith and maggot Kellerman will likely be thinking and saying this same line in 2026.

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