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REVIEW(S): Verdon Keratin Hair Spa

This isn't new to everyone but my current hair is damaged, dry, brittle and unmanageable due to hair coloring for the past 5-6 years. Haha So on my quest of finding the perfect treatment for my hair, I came across Verdon Keratin Hair Spa which I always see on the vloggers that I watched. I made a research before buying this one and found lots of positive reviews. 

Normally, you can buy this for Php150-200 at online stores but I bought mine for only Php118(Bayan Marikina branch) and Php83/80(Cubao branch) at Hortaleza. Good thing about buying at the store itself is being able to smell every variant they have. There were a lot of variants to choose from and I have already tried these 3: Brown Rice Organic, Pomegranate Juices and Morocco Argan Oil variants. 

Here are the description for each variants that I tried: 
*Brown Rice Organic 

*Pomegranate Juices 

*Morocco Argan Oil 

Price: Php118 (Bayan Marikina branch) & Php83/80 (Cubao branch) 

Weight: 1000g 

Claims to: "Substance for hair fall, hair damage, hair split, hair dull and color stay" 

ScentThe 3 variants I have tried are all very nice to smell but I like the Morocco Argan Oil the best. It has a nice fruity smell to which I really liked. 

Consistency: Creamy and light. 

How To Use: 
1. Wash your hair using a shampoo. Rinse. 
2. Apply the conditioning hair spa and massage. 
3. Leave it for at least 3-5 minutes then rinse. 

- super affordable! (1000g = Php118/83/80) 
- made my hair softer and manageable 
- less hair fall compared (when not using this) 
- the scent smells good 

- can be purchased online but a bit pricy compared if you buy at Hortaleza 
- Can be a bit drying on my hair when used everyday 

For the price of Php80 for a hair spa, definitely a BIG YES to this. The product did helped me with my dull, damaged, dry and frizzy hair. My current hair is now manageable and very soft. Since I have used this for about 3 months already, I noticed that my hair becomes a bit drier when used everyday. So I'm also using another conditioner together with this and I'm using this every other day. Though of course, the split ends and hair fall is still there. (Blaming to my hair dye/hair color haha). 

Will I purchase this again? Yes. Definitely! Let me know your experience in the comment box below in case you also tried this product.

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