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Pinay Pow wow (let's get those sched already!)

hi! to those interested in joining the Pinay Pow Wow in Manila, please email me @ gee[underscore]leeshen[at]yahoo[dot]com the ff.

-preferred date and time
-preferred venue
-preferred budget
-preferred location (please be considerate on this part.) :)
-preferred activities for the evening (ex. after party etc.)

Kikay Pinay aka Shen's answer:
- Preferred date and time: I'm good on a saturday night on 2nd week or 3rd week of September or this coming august 30. :)
(i'm not available 1st week and 4th week of sept due to bar operation month)
- preferred venue: Legend Villas, Pioneer(para intimate!) or any good Filipino Restaurant (in lieu of the Pinay Pow wow)
- preferred venue: Ortigas Area
- preferred budget: P500 to P800??? i'm not sure..
- preferred activities: HG Swapping(thanks to Ms Pinkx for this original idea), after party (yeah!! drink ladies, please!)
-suggestion: I'm still blank due to midterms but i'll update you when i think of something.

This Pow wow is open to anyone. :) So we definitely need fast response in order for me and who ever chooses to help me organize this better. :) I'll be posting polls soon when i get all your suggestions and answers. :) since we can't do a meet up for the organizing, we'll be doing this the cyber/techie way. Please cooperate! :) TY!

Can't wait!

much love,

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