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David's Diary

A while back Liam bought a tour diary of Henry Rollin's called "Get in the Van" that were his notes from right before he joined black flag, '81, till '86. This thing was one of the most ridiculous and, at times, hilarious things i've ever read. It was also really cool being able to read where he was on any given day what they did that day. You would be surprised by how many times he wakes up to find that their van is broken down in a snow storm. I got really inspired by this and decided i'd give it a go.

July 10th, (Driving from Seattle to Sutherlin)

We all met at my house around two today to load everything in and head off. While we were all hanging out getting ready to go, a friend of ours came by and brought us a dozen cup cakes (from cup cake royal in Seattle) for the road. Loaded up with all of our gear and our snacks we headed out and immediately hit traffic. It should have only taken us six hours to get from Seattle to Sutherlin (in Oregon) but some how it ended up being nine. Longer than planned drives seem to be the reoccurring theme for this tour. To pass the time, Shaun and I started watching the first season of Big Love. This show is seriously amazing and now I have such a crush on Chloë Sevigny. One really awesome thing about the show is that they’re actually full hour episodes because it was made for HBO. Pretty much all I plan on doing for the rest of this tour is watching it.

We pulled off some where in the middle of Oregon to grab dinner and found this Teriyaki/Sushi place that looked legit. We walked in and the first thing I noticed was the wall was covered with pictures of highschool sports teams with strange themes to them. For example, the basketball one said “All In” and had the team sitting around poker tables with chips and cards thrown about. The best one was the lacross team (side note: Luke used to play lacross in middle school). Their theme was “We’re Sick”, so everyone was either on crutches, had a thermometer in their mouths, or was pretending to have head wounds and while standing on bleachers. The woman running the restaurant was very proud of all the pictures and told us that she was friends with all of the kids from the teams on Facebook (like 120 kids). The food there was pretty good, I had chicken teriyaki but a few people got the bento box which they all said was mostly delicious. After more Big Love we rolled into Sutherlin at around 11. Tomorrow we’re going to some place in California and after that, San Diego and playing more shows!

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