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My Christmas!

(Taken at my sides family Christmas)
Hey Guys!
Hope you all had a great Christmas/holiday! This year I spent Christmas Eve with Charles where I made us dinner and we exchanged gifts. We've never had our own Christmas, it has always been rushed at either one of our parents house so I'm glad we had Christmas Eve to spend with each other. Christmas day was VERY busy. After making French Crepes for breakfast, we drove to my parents house and had lunch with them and exchanged gifts with my brothers and their fiancees. Late afternoon we then drove to Charles parents' house and exchanged gifts and had dinner with his immediate family (Charles has 2 sisters and 1 brother). I had a blast! Now I can relax since I'm off work until January 3rd! I only get two weeks vacation each year (Christmas and Summer) so some well needed R&R is in order.

I thought I would share with you some of my favourite gifts that I received this Christmas!

Who says money doesn't grow on trees?!
(Charles father made this! So creative and such a cool idea.)

(A lipstick ornament hanging from the tree...surprise surprise! Also, gold chocolate coins yum yum)

(Square dishes... This may not seem exciting to you, but I was thrilled to get these!)

(Black Onyx Bracelet from Tiffany & Co. My first piece of Tiffany jewelry!)

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year!

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