I have decided tocreate apostwith thesongsthat Ihad revealedthis week,thatmight bealready heard,butmaybenot..Ialways try tofindsome newsongs, artists, groups, asa service provided byradio andtelevision isasmalland very limitedmusicalstyles..whichI am not happybecause Ilovelistening todifferent musical stylesstarting withRock, PopRock,IndiePop toMetallicaand R & B
Right the Stars - Give it All
DEV - Don't Say That Word
Bei Maejor feat. Waka Flocka Flame - Lights Down Low
DJ Khaled - Take It To The Head
Chiddy Bang Talking to Myself
Fun.- Some Nights
Icona Pop - I Love It
..a greatchance forme tocometo findthatgreatsong,iswatchingand searching forthesoundtrack movies, TV show, musica festival.....
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