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Illamasqua Nail Polish Swatches: A Bunch of Them

Illamasqua is one of those brands that has been making huge headway in the past few years. From being an esoteric British brand, they've certainly come into their own as a creative driving force in cosmetics. And just like their makeup, their nail polishes have been garnering a large following too.

I made these Illamasqua nail polish swatches quite a long time ago, and I never got around to posting them in the blog, so here they are at last. I have to say, though, that my camera photographed some of these colours really inaccurately, and I apologise for that.

Illamasqua Nail polish swatches

First row:
L-R: Jomina (a lot more purple and less blue in real life), Jan (also less purple and more muted dusty pink in real life), Velocity, Wink, Muse (this one has cool metallic shimmer), DWS (less blue and more grey in real life), Strike, Fern, Force, Prism (barely visible, but this is a pale almost-transparent white with a blue flash), Phallic (photo doesn't do this justice. It's just so pretty and metallic in real life).

Second row:
Rampage, Smash, MILF, Hectic (ooh, olive green), Nudge, Caress, Baptist (once again, less blue and more purple in real life. And there's really cool shimmer too), Grab, Collide (this is a pretty hot pink. It's not as wimpy as it looks in the photo), Obsess

Third row:
Wayward (primary yellow), Blow (banana yellow), Insanity, Whack, Alarm (this is a red here, not whatever colour that photo makes it look like), Brigette (this is a jelly finish polish), Ruthless, Lament

Fourth row:
Scorch, Glory, Snap, Harsh, Untold, Spartan

Whew, those were all of them. Once again, you may want to double check any of these swatches with a quick google. If you can't tell, these are woefully inaccurate, but I hope they helped someone for a quick comparision between a bunch of colours.

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