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🎅 Christmas Tag

I've done Halloween tags before so I thought it's be appropriate to do a Christmas one this time. Especially today. Let's do this!

What’s your favourite holiday movie?
The nightmare before Christmas! I don't even know if it's considered more of a Halloween movie than Christmas but, yeah.

What’s your favourite Christmas colour?

Do you like to stay in your PJs or dress up for Christmas?
I kinda dress up on Christmas eve and stay in my pj's on Christmas day.

Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Christmas Eve. I'm not a patient person.

Have you ever build a gingerbread house?
Nope, and I really want to.

What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
I always try to do some deep cleaning, also celebrate the holidays with my friends and people I love. Have seasonal drinks and gift exchanges.

Any Christmas wishes?
Happiness I guess.

Favourite Christmas smell?

Favourite Christmas meal or treat?
My grandma's Cod Vizcaina Style was the best!

Which holiday do you celebrate?

What are you doing for the holidays this year?
Spending it with my family and friends

What’s your favourite holiday drink?

Candy cane or gingerbread men?
Candy cane

What’s your favourite holiday/Christmas song?
Kiss me for Christmas by Jessica Simpson

What’s the weirdest gift you’ve ever received?
I can't remember recieving a weird one. Guess I've been lucky recieving gifts from people who know me well~

Have you ever made a snowman?
Nope, never. It doesn't snow where I live.

What is your favourite winter fragrance?
I don't have a favorite for winter.

What is at the top of your list this Christmas? (or whichever holiday you celebrate!)
My own apartment!! haha. JK I don't have a list this year.

What is most important to you about the holidays?
Spending it with people I love. We used to have these big family reunions in the past during the holidays and I really miss that but, I do cherish having a family to spend it with.
And having other reunions with my friends.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas or whatever you're celebrating today!! ☆

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