Hello My Lovelies,
Hope you are all doing well! Todays post is something a little different but when i found out about the campaign, i thought it would be something fun to share with you all. You are probably all thinking by looking at the title of this post 'What the heck is VML?!' do not worry lovelies, i have you covered. VML is 'Visible Mobile Lines' and George Lamb is on a nation wide fashion crusade to get the 'VML' off the streets of Britain.
Celebrities around the globe have come under fire by Lamb, with the likes of Harry Styles, Justin Timberlake, Matt Smith, HRH Duke of Cabridge, Wayne Rooney, Brad Pitt and Danny from The Script all sportig swollen pockets, thanks to their mobile phones. O2 has recruited the stylish television presenter to take on the battle of the bludge and teach Brit's how to cute a clean silhouette, uaing the new super slim Huawei Ascend P6 smartphone. Atjust 6.18mm thick the phone slips visibly into a trouser or pocket eradicating the ever present VML problemo.
George Lamb said:
‘This has gone long enough. Too long have we stood back and watched innocent people destroy their clothes because they didn’t have another option. This is all about teaching the public that there is another way, they do have choices, and they can save their style. Gone are the days of unsightly bulges straining against women and men’s thighs, O2 and Huawei are their saviour, and I am here to spread the message.’
The move comes as sharp suits and fitted jeans are being ruined more and more frequently by bulky phones distorting their tailoring. O2 are taking it into their own hands as the Huawei Ascend P6 smartphone is made available to their customers. I think when national advertising campaigns are more unique and make you remember them i feel they are overall more effective...this is the business student in me coming out haha. Personally, i have never had an issue with VML as i always store my phone away safe in my bag or i will hold it but i get we have all been there at some point and suffered from VML haha. There is nothing wrong with rocking a VML if you want to i just thought it would be a fun video to share with you all and George Lamb is always really entertaining to watch haha!
Hope you liked this short but sweet post in collaborating with O2! I would love to know how you keep your phone safe when you are on the go! Like always lovelies, if you have any questions, requests or if you just want a chat you can contact me on my social media or leave me a comment below. I love hearing from you and i make sure to read every single comment...they really make my day!
Also lovelies, I have been lucky enough to be short-listed in the 2013 #CosmoBlogAwards under 'Best New Beauty Blog'. I still cannot believe i am in the finals it is still so overwhelming and super exciting...i have written a post about it HERE.
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