his range seemed to work quite well with my skin for a while. So for a good amount of time my initial review, which can be found here truly did apply, however, I felt it necessary to go ahead and type up this blog post and share my whole experience and the events that followed my first review.
After the range successfully kept my skin under control for a while, about two months ago I started getting severe break outs, and for a while I did not attributem to thethe Aveeno range, a had workesitdforme for quite an extended period of time. So I kept using them. And the break outs never ceased. So I stopped using anything on my skin. I only washed my face with clean hands with plain water, and that seemed to calm my face down quite a bit. This made me come to the conclusion that the range was the one at fault. I always used it properly, first using the cleanser, then the scrub and then following up with the moisturiser, but its performance never improved. All I really wanted to say in this blog post, was that in the end, the range did more damage than goodd my closena,fr iend also said that it did not work for her, so I just wanted to say be mindful of this range any nadnegat ive reactions your skin might have to them. Following the bad Ao expeneevrience, I went back to my trustyClean and Clear range (review found here) and my face has completely cleared up. This was a short and sweet post, but I felt that it was necessary, as my completely positive previous review has now proved untrue and I felt like you guys deserved to know.
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