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Collection Spotlight! Shiro's Legends Collection! 1 of 3


Hey everyone! Today we're bringing you part one of the recently revamped Legends Collection from Shiro Cosmetics! The whole collection was reformulated in approximately spring 2014; some shades were discontinued and some new ones were introduced. I've got samples of the collection as it currently stands so everything you see is available for purchase at the time of publication. We'll be showing this to you in three parts because twenty shadows would make for a giant post! Here's what Shiro has to say about this collection:

This collection is in honor of The Legend of Zelda, AKA approximately half my childhood (the other half, of course, being Pokemon). Nintendo raised me well.

Full size jars from this set feature original art by the lovely Amanda K., artist and cosplayer extraordinaire!

You can buy individual colors here (or via the purchase link below each shade in this post), or you can buy the whole collection for a 10% discount here. Let's look the colors all together:

This collection has a great variety of colors! There are lots of blues, greens, and reds, but also neutrals, light colors, dark colors, metallics, duochromes, and a matte. Let's look at the first set of colors.


From the website: Don’t tell me… My mask… You did get it back, didn’t you?

Deep blackened indigo with a satin finish. Lip-safe!

Ingredients: mica, carnauba wax, titanium dioxide, iron oxide, tin oxide.

Personal Comments: The official description is spot on - this is a lovely, rich indigo. I don't see any sparkle, but it's got a great sheen over Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy. I think this one really needs a sticky base to shine, because it looks flatter and a lot less rich over just silicone primer. I don't see any sparkles.

Swatches done over Urban Decay Primer Potion and Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy. Swatch photos taken in natural light.


From the website: You may lift the cuccos. You may use them to slow your fall. You may herd them around and throw them this way and that. But do not ever strike the cuccos. That will make them angry. And you won’t like them when they’re angry.

An impossible to photograph color that is actually a super pale ghostly desaturated green over a strong red shift. Not lip-safe.

Ingredients: mica, carnauba wax, titanium dioxide, iron oxide, tin oxide, chromium oxide, ferric ferrocyanide.

Personal Comments: This is one of those awesome shades that positively glows even in limited light! The effect is quite noticeable over silicone primer, but it really comes out screaming over a sticky base. The base looks light grey-beige to my eyes, but I have to look hard past the metallic pink overlay to see it. This shade could be a great way to shake up a neutral eye look.

Swatches done over Urban Decay Primer Potion and Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy. Swatch photos taken in natural light.


From the website: “The flow of time is always cruel… Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it.”

Shimmery, bright bubblegum pink with gold undertones. Lip safe!

Ingredients: mica, carnauba wax, titanium dioxide, iron oxide, tin oxide.

Personal Comments: This is a lovely, ultra-feminine shade. In person, it leans a bit more coral than it's showing up on my screen. It catches and reflects the light quite readily. Over a sticky base it's reminiscent of a metallic finish, but over silicone primer it's a more toned-down, satin type of finish. 

Swatches done over Urban Decay Primer Potion and Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy. Swatch photos taken in natural light.


From the website: It’s not *quite* nuking from orbit, but it’ll do in a pinch!

Delicate cool toned pinky-purple with a scattering of red sparks. Lip-safe!

Ingredients: mica, carnauba wax, titanium dioxide, iron oxide, tin oxide, silica, calcium aluminum borosilicate.

Personal Comments: This shade has a very cool effect, and I think Kristin has managed to capture it beautifully in her swatch photos. The base shade is light purple, but when it catches the light it takes on a pastel lavender cast. It performs just as well over a silicone primer as a sticky base; the only differences I see over a sticky base are the finish leans closer to metallic and the tiny red sparks are much more abundant around the edges of my swatch.

Swatches done over Urban Decay Primer Potion and Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy. Swatch photos taken in natural light.


From the website: It is a fact that the most difficult, lengthy part of Twilight Princess was deciding what to name your horse. Except for those of you who just typed in “butts” immediately, I suppose.

Soft velvety brown with a misty cream overlay. Lip safe!

Ingredients: mica, carnauba wax, titanium dioxide, iron oxide.

Personal Comments: I'm not sure I'm seeing the cream overlay here. but I'm not disappointed because this is a gorgeous medium brown reminiscent of milk chocolate. As with several of the shades I've already described, it's got a lovely satin finish over silicone primer and starts dreaming about a metallic finish when applied over a sticky base. I'll definitely be pointing neutral lovers toward this shade!

Swatches done over Urban Decay Primer Potion and Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy. Swatch photos taken in natural light.


From the website: You got Farore’s Wind! This wondrous gift from the Goddess of Courage will allow you to… uh… run away. Yeah.

Light blue-toned green with silvery shimmer. Not lip-safe.

Ingredients: mica, carnauba wax, titanium dioxide, iron oxide, tin oxide, aluminum powder, blue #1 lake, yellow #5 lake.

Personal Comments: This is a gorgeous seafoam green, and it looks nearly identical over a sticky base or a silicone primer. It's got lots of silver sparkles but still manages to have an almost satin finish. For the sake of a thorough review, I want to mention that my swatch of Farore's Wind over silicone primer left a little green splotch behind after I washed everything off. I'm assuming it's staining, but I don't have any kind of mark from the swatch I did over Pixie Epoxy, so I'm not sure what to think. 

Swatches done over Urban Decay Primer Potion and Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy. Swatch photos taken in natural light.


We've reached the end of part one! We'll post part two in two days, and part three another two days after that, to give you a detailed look at the whole collection. I'd love to hear about your favorite shades so far!

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