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Autumn Clean

My room looks like a bomb has hit. I'm stumbling over shoe boxes every day, my jewellery is spilling out of the boxes it's supposed to be in and my wardrobe is crammed to bursting. I don't know about 'spring' cleaning, but I feel like an 'autumn' clean-I'm fed up of my room the way it is.

Of course it's not helped by my obsessive shopping sprees and I have to (proudly, ahem sheepishly) admit I just purchased 5 pairs of shoes online tonight! Gasp, I'm a nutter! I probably shouldn't tell you that I have a further 2 pairs arriving on Monday either (or about the pair of boots I got this week). See my dilemma? I'm my own worst enemy. Anyway, I'm going to try and remedy the situation a little tomorrow ("be ruthless Gem"). I have the bags all ready to fill for the charity shop! Here's some images inside my wardrobe...we're talking 2 or 3 dresses per hanger and this doesn't really illustrate just how crammed and crushed everything is getting.
I've already started on my drawers (the easy bit), who knew I owned so many leggings? Considering I mostly alternate between 2 or 3 black pairs, I have a truck load of other colours that obviously don't get worn. The hard bit will definitely be the dresses though, because I don't think there are many I want to give away (they're all in good condition and fit).
Then it's onto rearranging my shoes (again), which will probably result in me not knowing where anything is over the next few months (which I hate). Although a toppling box from the top of my wardrobe will probably knock me unconscious first. I'm actually not joking, it's surprising how often this has 'almost' happened lately-I'm getting good at ducking them! What about you, do you live in an OCD paradise surrounded by nothing or are there overspills on every surface, cupboard and wardrobe? Anyone else fancy a clear-out in preparation for new autumn/winter goodies?

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